Osman ARAY: Demographic and Ethnic Characteristics of Central Asia and Their Future Impacts on the Social, Economical and Political Aspects of the Region. (Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Ankara, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 1999)
The objective of the study is to analyze the demographic and ethnic composition of the Central Asia in close connection with its geographical, historical, cultural, social and economic aspects, to describe these factors from a historical perspective, to give a detailed picture of the present day Central Asia in regard to its demographic, ethnic, economic, and social aspects and finally, to analyse the impacts of the Regions demographic and ethnic characteristics on its future developments.
A special survey for data collection regarding the study has not been conducted because of the geographical, political and financial difficulties. Instead, a very detailed and intensive literature reading has been done. Most of the literature regarding the demographical aspects of the Region is in English language. Also there is a rich collection of studies which presents valuable economic, social and demographic data about the Region in Russian language. Since the author is fluent in Russian, these data has been fully utilized during the study. In addition to the above mentioned, the author paid a special visit to the Region on April 1998, and collected the most recent studies of the local scientists, and ``exclusive`` official demographical data regarding the subject. Therefore, some of the data presented in this study is ``unique`` in the world demographic literature.Also the author believes that his personal obsevations and experience which he accumulated in the Region since 20 years contributed a lot to this study.
The historical, geographical, anthropological and political aspects of the Region is also analysed in close connection with the demographical structure of the Region. The main aim of this detailed analyse is to provide the reader a full picture of the Central Asia, since without this background one can not fully understand the future impacts of the demographic and ethnic aspects on the political, economic and social spheres of the Region.
Corresponding demographical data of Turkey is presented together with the demographical data of Central Asia for the sake of comparison. Also relations between Republic of Turkey and Central Asian republics have been introduced briefly, since Turkey is expected to play a very important role in the future socio-economic stability of the Region.