NÜFUSBİLİM DERGİSİ: Cilt 16-20 Toplu Dizin, 1994-1998
Cumulative lndex to Volumes 16-20, 1994-1998
1994, Cilt: 16
1. Jeanne GUSHING - Edilberto LOAIZA: Computer Aided Field Editing in the DHS Cotext: The Turkey Experiment. 3-14.S.
2. Tabire ERMAN - Ahmet İÇDUYGU: Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği: Nüfus Dağılımı ve Kentleşme açısından bir Karşılaştırma. 15-27.s.
3. Ahmet GÖKDERE: An Evaluation of Turkey's Recent Migration Flows and Stocks.29-56.s.
4. Abu Jafar Mohammad SUFIAN: Socioeconomic Determinants of Crowding Inside
Home in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: a Comparative Analysis. 57-63.s.
5. Turgay ÜN ALAN: İdeal evlenme ve doğum yaşları. 65-73.s.
6. Mahir ULUSOY: Sampling Errors for Some Selected Variables of 1993 Survey: an Alternative Output. 75-106.s.
1995 - 96, Cilt: 17 - 18
7. Ayşen BULUT - Nuray YOLSAL - Füsun KAYATÜRK - Hacer NALBANT - Janet MOLZAN - Veronique F1LIPPI - Tom MARSHAL - Wendy GRAHAM: îstanbulda Kullanılan Gebelikten Korunma Yöntemleri, Bu Yöntemlerin Tercih ve Kullanımını Sürdürmede Etkili Faktörler. 3-19.s.
8. K.C. BHUYAN: Fertility Differentials According to Females Education. Employment and Family Planning Adoption in Rural Bangladesh. 21-39.s.
9. Şevkat Bahar ÖZVARIŞ - Ayşe Akın DERVİŞOĞLU: Operational Research for an Effective Information and Training Approach for Surgical Contraception Knowledge and Attitude in Turkey. 41-53.s.
10. Himanshu PANDEY: Modelling on Out-Migration System: a Probabilistic Approach. 55-60.s.
11. H. Metin GENÇ- Gülsen GÜNEŞ - Mustafa ŞAHİN - Leyla KARAOĞLU - Erkan PEHLİVAN: Yeşilyurt (Malatya) Merkezindeki 15-49 Yaş Grubu Evli Kadınların Aile Planlamasına İlişkin Bilgi ve Uygulamaları 61-81.s.
12. Joseph CHAMIE: International Population Conferences: Consensus and Controversy. 83-87.s.
1997, Cilt: 19
13. Janet Molzan TURAN - Ayşen BULUT - Hacer NALBANT: The Quality of Family Planning Services in Two Low-Income Districts of İstanbul. 3-24.s.
14. Emel BAŞAR - Müslim EKNİ: Anne Sütü ile Beslenme Sürelerine İlişkin Yaşam Sürdürme Fonksiyonu Tahmini.25-35.s.
15. Sedef KORAY: Dynamics of Demography and Development in Turkey: Implications to the Potential for Migration to Europe. 37-55.s.
16. Turgay ÜNALAN: Turkey's Population at the Beginning of the 21st Century. 57- 72.s.
17. İsmet KOÇ: Female-Headed Household in Turkey and Socio-Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Female Household Heads. 73-99.s.
18. İnsan TUNALI: Migration and Remigration as Interdependent Decision: a Bivariate Probit Formulation. 101-126.s.
19. Mahjoub A. ELAMIN - K. C. BHUYAN: Testing Regression Equality to Study the Fertility Differentials by Child Mortality in North - Eastern Libya. 127-139.s.
1998, Cilt: 20
20. Ahmet İÇDUYGU - İbrahim SİRKECİ: Changing Dynamics of the Migratory Regime Between Turkey and Arab Countries. 3-16.s.
21. Turgay ÜNALAN: Problems of Collecting Information from Men in Demographic Surveys: Experience from the 1988 Turkish Population and Health Survey. 17-30.s.
22. Lale TAŞKIN: Major Barriers to Breastfeeding: Education and Urbanization 31- 41.s.
23. İsmet KOÇ - Derya KOÇ: Türkiye'de Evliliğe Karar Verme Süreci ve Bu Sürece Etkide Bulunan Faktörler. 43-56.s.
24. F. Abd ELGHFFAR - K.C. BHUYAN: Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Child Mortality in North-Eastern Libya. 57-76.s.
25. Nesrin ÇİLİNGİROĞLU: Demografide Yeni Bir Alan: Sağlık Demografisi. 77-84.s.
26. Şevkat Bahar ÖZVARIŞ - Ayşe AKIN: Postpartum Contraception, A New Approach to Minimize Unmet Needs in Family Planning, 85-94.s.
Aile Planlaması: 7, 11, 13, 26
Hayat tablosu: 14
Demografi: 25
İstatistik: 6
Doğurganlık: 8
Kentleşme: 2
Emzirme: 22
Konferanslar: 12
Evlenme: 5, 23
Nüfus: 16
Gebeliği Önleme: 9, 26
Nüfus - araştırmalar: 1, 2
Göçler: 3, 10, 15, 18, 20
Ölümler - Çocuk: 19, 24
Hanehalkı: 4, 17
Anne sütü ile beslenme sürelerine ilişkin yaşam sürdürme fonksiyonu tahmini: 14
Changing dynamics of the migratory regime between Turkey and Arab Countries: 20
Demografide yeni bir alan: sağlık demografisi: 25
Dynamics of demography and development in Turkey: implications to the potential for migration to Europe: 15
An evaluation of Turkey's recent migration flows and stocks: 3
Female-headed household in Turkey and socio-demographic and economic characteristics of female household heads: 17
Fertility differentials according to females education, employment and family planning adoption in rural Bangladesh: 8
İdeal evlenme ve doğum yaşları: 5
International Population Conferences: consensus and controversy: 12
İstanbul'da kullanılan gebelikten korunma yöntemleri, bu yöntemlerin tercih ve kullanımını sürdürmede etkili faktörler: 7
Major barriers to breastfeeding: education and urbanization: 22
Migration and immigration as interdependent decision: a bivariate probit formulation: 18
Modelling on out-migration system: a probabilistic approach: 10
Operational research for an effective information and training approach for surgical contraception knowledge and attitude in Turkey: 9
Postpartum Contraception, A New Approach to Minimize Unmet Needs in Family Planning: 26
Problems of collecting information from men in demographic surveys: experience from the 1988 Turkish Population and Health Survey: 21
The quality of family planning services in two low-income districts of Istanbul: 13 Sampling errors for some selected variables of 1993 survey: an alternative output: 6
Socioeconomic determinants of crowding inside home in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia: a comparative analysis: 4
Socio-economic factors influencing child mortality in north-eastern Libya: 24
Testing regression equality to study the fertility differentials by child mortality in north-eastern Libya: 19
Turkey's population at the beginning of the 21st century: 16
Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği: nüfus dağılımı ve kentleşme açısından bir karşılaştırma: 2
Türkiye'de evliliğe karar verme süreci ve bu sürece etkide bulunan faktörler: 23
Yeşilyurt (Malatya) merkezindeki 15-49 yaş grubu evli kadınların aile planlamasına ilişkin bilgi ve uygulamaları: 11
Akın, Ayşe: 26 | Karaoğlu, Leyla: 11 |
Gushing,Jeanne: 1 | Kayatürk,Füsun: 7 |
Başar, Emel: 14 | Koç, Derya: 23 |
Bhuyan, K.C.: 8,19.24 | Koç,İsmet: 17, 23 |
Bulut, Ayşen: 7,13 | Koray, Sedef: 15 |
Chamie, Joseph:12 | Loaiza, Edilberto: 1 |
Çilingiroğlu, Nesrin: 25 | Marshal, Tom: 7 |
Dervişoğlu, Ayşe Akın: 9 | Molzan, Janet: 7 |
Ekni, Müslim: 14 | Nalbant, Hacer: 7,13 |
Elamin, Mahjoub A: 19 | Özvarış,Şevkat Bahar: 9, 26 |
Elghffar, F.Abd: 24 | Pandey,Himansu: 10 |
Erman,Tahire: 2 | Pehlivan, Erkan: 11 |
Filippi, Veronique: 7 | Sirkeci, İbrahim: 20 |
Genç, Metin: 11 | Sufian, Abu Jaffar Mohammad: 4 |
Gökdere, Ahmet: 3 | Şahin, Mustafa: 11 |
Graham, Wendy: 7 | Taşkın, Lale: 22 |
Güneş, Gülsen: 11 | Tunalı, İnsan: 18 |
İçduygu, Ahmet: 2, 20 | Turan, Janet Molzan: 13 |
Ulusoy, Mahir: 6 | |
Ünalan, Turgay: 5, 16, 21 | |
Yolsal, Nuray: 7 |