Demography Conferences Series
As part of the Demography Conferences, Prof. Dr. Tuba Bircan will present "Rethinking Migration Studies with Big Data and AI" on Friday, 17 January at 14:00 at Microsoft Teams. Click to register!
The Final Report Meeting of the Impact Assessment Study of Hacettepe University Services
The Final Report Meeting of the Impact Assessment Study of Hacettepe University Services, conducted by our Institute in collaboration with the Societal Contribution Coordination Office at the Hayat Good Life Center in Malatya Yeni Hayat Container City, was held in our Institute's conference hall with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran, vice-rectors, academics, and all stakeholders related to the topic.
Demography and Social Research Methodology Master and PhD Programs Applications
Applications for our Master's and PhD programs in Demography and Social Research Methodology will be accepted between June 10 and July 4, 2024!
The Final Report Meeting of the Turkey Roma Population Survey
The Final Report Meeting of the Turkey Roma Population Survey, supported under TÜBİTAK 1001 Program with project number 122R016, aiming to contribute to the Roma Strategy Document, took place on May 8, 2024, at the conference hall of Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. Representatives from public institutions, international organizations, academics, and civil society organizations attended the event.
Revisiting Maternal Mortality: What Qualitative Research Says
The report of our project titled "Revisiting Maternal Mortality: What Qualitative Research Says", which we carried out in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Turkey), has been published! Click below to reach the full report.
Thematic Analysis on Reproductive Health Issues: 1993-2018
The book titled "Thematic Analysis on Reproductive Health Issues: 1993-2018", which was prepared within the scope of the "Demographic Indicators and Sustainable Development Goals" project, that we carried out in cooperation with the UNFPA Turkey Office was published along with the four different policy briefs produced from the chapters in this book.
Policy Briefs on Reproductive Health
Four policy briefs that was prepared within the scope of the "Demographic Indicators and Sustainable Development Goals" project, which we carried out in cooperation with the UNFPA Turkey Office, has been published in Turkish and English!
Demographic Education Series
"Demographic Education Series: Demographic Indicators and Sustainable Development Goals" which we organized in cooperation with UNFPA Turkey Office, was held at our Institute between 21-25 November 2022
Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Demographic Profile and Linked Social Challenges
The chapters in book titled Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Demographic Profile and Linked Social Challenges published by Routledge in December 2020, written by our Institute's academicians with the 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Syrian Migrant Sample findings, was presented in 'Demographic Structure and Social Challenges' and 'Sexual Health and Reproductive Health' sessions.
Ministerial Conference on Demographic Resilience, Shaping Europe's Demographic Future
Institute of Population Studies has attended the Online Expo at the Ministerial Conference on Demographic Resilience, Shaping Europe's Demographic Future on December 1-2, 2021
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies: From its establishment to its 53rd year
Upon the invitation of Parliamentary Investigation Commission...
Upon the invitation of Parliamentary Investigation Commission, which is established to Investigate the Causes of Violence Against Women and Determine the Measures that should be taken, the findings of the Research on Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey conducted in 2008 and 2014 in cooperation with our Institute and the General Directorate on the Status of Women, was presented to the Commission by the faculty members of our Institute on April 28, 2021.
2018 TDHS Data Request
2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey data sets, related to Turkey and the Syrian migrant sample, is available to researchers. Click here for the data request.
Nairobi Commitments: Towards the Three Zeros in Turkey
The brief Nairobi Commitments: Towards the Three Zeros in Turkey which is carried out as part of the collaboration between our Institute and the UNFPA Turkey Country Office is published.
The Unmet Need for Family Planning in Turkey
The brief The Unmet Need for Family Planning in Turkey which is carried out as part of the collaboration between our Institute and the UNFPA Turkey Country Office is published.
Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Demographic Profile and Linked Social Challenges
The book Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Demographic Profile and Linked Social Challenges which is written by our Institute’s academics with the findings of 2018-TDHS the Syrian Migrant Sample is published by Routledge in December 2020.
Surveys in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Days
The study Surveys in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Days which is carried out as part of the collaboration between our Institute and the UNFPA Turkey Country Office is published.
Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Turkey
The study Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Turkey: Data Analysis of Turkey Demographic and Health Surveys 1993-2018 which is carried out as part of the collaboration between our Institute and the UNFPA Turkey Country Office is published.
Demography Education Series
Our YouTube channel is on air! Visit our channel for lessons within the Demography Education Series prepared in cooperation with UNFPA Turkey Office.
Thesis Abstracts 1996 - 2002 - Sinan Zeyneloğlu

Sinan ZEYNELOĞLU: Methods and Applications of Population Geography Respect to Correlation of Geographic Factors With Population Variables Using Turkish Census Data at District and Settlement Level. ( Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2001)

This thesis attempts to show methods and applications of using Turkish census data at detailed district and settlement level for population geography analysis. Since provinces are relatively large and heterogeneous units compared to districts, district level data should be obtained for population geography studies if proper correlation between geographic features and population data is sought. Delimiting areal units of analysis and standardization of demographic data appears to be necessary in order to eliminate the possible distortion caused by administrative boundaries irrelevant to the unity of settlement units and also the possible bias caused by differences in age-sex distribution on certain demographic and socio-economic features. The main objective is to give clues to researchers undertaking further analysis in this direction on decisions of proper delimitation of boundaries of analysis units, methods of standardization of variables related to the selected areal units, urban-rural differentiation in Turkey and methods applying international standards of urban area delimitation to the Turkish context, proper selection of threshold figures and also comparison of data of successive censuses and also between countries. Definitions of administrative units, such as provinces or districts and of settlement units such as cities, towns, villages are given for the Turkish legal system compared to other countries. In the analysis using 1990 census data, first, variables reflecting features of areal units, such as size, rank, ratio of urban population, density, etc. are correlated to each other. In the second part geographic variables are correlated with variables reflecting demographic and socio-economic features of the population within these areal divisions. Any simple correlation between geographical features and population characteristics found in this thesis is not attempted to serve as an explanation but as a clue for a multiple regression analysis to determine the pure extent of certain geographical features on each population variable. Also the rank-size distribution and figures of primacy are examined for the 1927-1997 period. With every successive census the convex distribution of 1927 gradually evolves into a linear distribution at the 1990's. Besides advance of the line through increase in the intercept, the value of the slope of the rank-size distribution increases regularly by every census and reaches the slope of unity by 1997. For recent censuses there is a point of refraction at population size 2000, but its extent at 1997 census clearly surpasses the refraction for other censuses. 2000 is the threshold population size for municipal incorporation and it seems that the unnatural refraction is a sign of fraud in census caused by localities over-enumerating with the aim of municipal incorporation.